
  • Familiarization with engine and injection technology and corresponding measurement
    technology and measurement parameters
  • Preprocessing of relevant engine and injection system measurement data
  • Investigation of the interrelationship between engine performance and injection system
    behavior through an explorative data analysis
  • Development of a data-driven “Injector Model” for condition monitoring
  • Composition of the master’s thesis



  • Programming skills in Python and/or R;
  • Experience in data analysis


Starting Date: As soon as possible

Duration: Approximately 6 months



Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Wimmer, +43 (316) 873-30101, andreas.wimmer@lec.tugraz.at
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Laubichler, +43 (316) 873-30089, christian.laubichler@lec.tugraz.at