Promising study on ammonia as fuel

The APOLO ammonia project: new insights

New professorship for "High-Performance Large Engine Systems" at TU Graz

LEC wins Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2024!

Next LSSTF-Forum: 19. & 20. Juni 2024

Lecture by Prof Andreas Wimmer: Large engines on the way to climate neutrality

Female Power in Research: Interview with Dr Nicole Wermuth

eFuels Award 2024 for Dr Marcel Lackner

Start of new COMET module "LEC FFF - Future Fuel Fundamentals"

New ammonia project "APOLO" to decarbonise the maritime sector

LEC leuchtet für "Orange the World 2023" #16 Tage

PK: Tiroler-Steirische Forschungsallianz testet erfolgreich Ammoniakbetrieb

LEC congratulates: Stephan Laiminger appointed Honorary Senator of TU Graz

Recap of SMTP, LSSTF and LEC DC 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the Data Challenge 2023

Pressegespräch "Grüne Großmotoren als Treiber für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft"

Christmas time at the LEC

“On the Way to Zero-Emission Shipping“


Discovering talents: Student internship at the LEC

LEC launches ammonia fueling for engine test bed operation

HyMethShip final stakeholder event, Dec. 15th, online

Recap of the 12th CIMAC Cascades in Graz

Die LEC Data Challenge Winner

Start of the 2nd LEC Data Challenge!

Save the Date! International Symposium for Sustainability in Mobility, Transport and Power Generation, Sept 23-24

Save the date: LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum, April 27-28

NEWS: Large engines research for climate protection

Season's Greetings - 2020 Flashback

LEC’S christmas donation 2020 for the women’s shelters in Styria

Why the LEC lights up in orange

PR-Panther 2020: a worthy winner!

Honoured with the Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2020

Entry in the Handbuch Dieselmotoren by Springer Fachmedien

Publication in the Journal Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

Hottest New Fuel Proves Hard to Handle

Save the Date: 6th Rostock Large Engines Symposium

Hydrogen Revolution: How Styrians are Driving the Energy Transition

Green Energy Instead of a Coal Power Plant in Mellach

Reaching Global Climate Goals: "Green" Large Engines from Graz Make It Possible

Reaching Global Climate Goals with „Green“ Large Engines

Successful 4. SEE SDEWES Conference

Green Super Engines to Become Even More Efficient

Successful Blue Week 2020 Conference

Emission-Free Ship Engines in Sight at the LEC

LEC-Publications in the Conference Proceedings of the SAE World Congress 2020

CIMAC CASCADES Austria Spring 2020: postponed!

The LEC Data Challenge Winners

First large engine network LEGRIP successfully started

Successful ASME ICEF 2019 Conference

European Energy Innovation: On course with HyMethShip

First LEC Sustainable Shipping Technologies for a Sustainable Tomorrow

LEC Wins Fast Forward Award 2019

LEC Nominated for Fast Forward Award 2019

CIMAC Congress 2019: Encounter with the Future of Large Engines

LEC Data Challenge

Successful Wear of Materials Conference 2019

Contribution to the 9th edition of "Grundlagen Verbrennungsmotoren"

17th international Symposium focusing on Sustainable Mobility, Transport and Power Generation in Graz

Europe-wide LEC Projects Sets Sails

Emission Free on the High Seas

Researchers from Graz Set the Course All Throughout Europe

HyMethShip: Eco-Revolution in Shipping from Graz

Green Turn on the High Seas

Nearly Emission-Free Ship Engine

TU Graz Researches Emission-Free Marine Engines

Researchers from Graz Take the Helm throughout Europe

Emission-Free High Sea Navigation: Researchers from Graz Take the Helm

Researchers Give Combustion Engines a Long Future

Climate Goals of Industrial Nations not Realizable Without Combustion Engines

Andreas Wimmer: “Zero Emission is a Realisable Goal”

Clean Ships: LEC Researchers are on Board

LEC Bets on Green Engine Research

Engine Research for Climate Protection

Engine Research Essential for Climate Protection

Development of young talents is a top priority at the LEC

Big Engines, Small Outliers

Research in Full Speed

Powerful Internships at the LEC

When Engines Run Cold

Engine Experts Dampen Euphoria About Electric Cars

Researchers Give Combustion Engines a Long Future

TU Graz Continues Research on Combustion Engines Despite Electrical Engine Trend

Internal Combustion Engines: Why Large Engine Research Needs to Step on the Gas

Internal Combustion Engines: Why Large Engine Research Needs to Step on the Gas

Womanpower in Technology at the LEC

16th Conference “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine”, Sept. 28-29, 2017

Gas Instead of Heavy Oil: Graz Competence Center Conducts Research on Environmentally Friendly Large Engines for Ships and Locomotives

The LEC Is One of the Best GEWINN Young Entrepreneurs of 2016

Ecotechnology for Ship Engines

Large Engines Become Greener

Showing Strength Together

Ecological Propulsion to Transport Tons

Researching with High Pressure

Graz Makes Engines More Environmentally Friendly

Eco-Engine for Ship and Locomotive: Dual Fuel to Increase Energy Efficiency

Successful Conference Trans&MOTAUTO

Extraordinary Internships in the Fascinating World of Large Engines

Extraordinary Internships for Students at the LEC

Around the World – Styrian Know-How Demanded Globally

Supercomputer - Highly Complex Computer Simulations Are Essential for the Development of Environmentally Friendly and Low-Emission Large Engines

LEC Optimizes the Computing Process with Atos' Supercomputer

New Concepts for the Reduction of Large Engine Emissions

LEC makes large engines environmentally friendly

Successful 28th CIMAC World Congress 2016

Successful 6th International Conference and Workshop "REMOO"

Graz at the Seaside

Successful 12th International Symposium for Combustion Diagnostics

ENERGY GLOBE 2016 Nomination

Successful 37th Vienna Engine Symposium

Presentation at the Symposium for Industrial Automation

Successful Workshop "Dual Fuel Combustion"

Girls' Day in Tyrol

Concentrated Competence - Long Night of Research 2016

The LEC Takes Part in the Internship Programme of the Graz University of Technology

Entry in the Handbuch Dieselmotoren by Springer Fachmedien

Student-Internships at the LEC: Discover the Fascination of Large Engines

Publication in the SAE International Journal of Engines

Publication in MTZ industrial

"Engineers Are Always in Demand"

FVV Membership

Jobs with excellent prospects at the LEC in Graz

High Quality International Research Cooperation with GE Jenbacher and Kyushu University in Japan

Successful Specialist Conference of the "Motortechnischen Zeitschrift"

Sustainable large engine research: Intelligent concepts that impress

ENERGY GLOBE 2015 FIRE Nomination

GEWINN Young Entrepreneurs Competition 2015: The LEC Is One of the 100 Top Young Entrepreneurs in Austria!

Successful 15th “The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine” Conference

Contribution to the 15th Conference "The Working Process of the Internal Combustion Engine"

Impressive Opening Ceremony of the Large Engines Competence Center

Publication in the Journal of Engineering

Successful AVL AST International User Conference 2015

Award for Sebastian Salbrechter’s Dissertation

Meet the LEC at the 3rd Styrian Future Day
2nd of June 2015 – Messecongress Graz

Successful 9th Gas Engine Conference in Dessau

Lecture at the EFRC Forum Spring 2015

Female Researchers Wanted!
The LEC Supports Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Entry in Kistler's Scientific Journal

ÖVK Lecture at the Graz University of Technology

Successful CIMAC CASCADES Seminar 2015

The Giants of the World of Engines
Graz Becomes a Hot Spot for Large Engine Technology

First Seminar for Young Engineers in the Field of Large Engines Held in Graz

Concentrated Knowledge
Innovative research collaboration with General Electric

LEC Given the Green Light As A K1 COMET Center for Excellent Technologies

Winner of the Land Steiermark Forschungspreis 2013


2nd Place at the Houskapreis 2012