
This master’s thesis aims to carry out high-speed schlieren measurements on the laminar and turbulent burning velocities of ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen mixtures in a turbulent combustion chamber at LEC. The optical data are to be evaluated and interpreted with regard to the special combustion properties of the new fuels (e.g. reactivity, turbulence-flame interaction, instabilities).


  • Familiarization with combustion fundamentals and schlieren technology
  • Commissioning of optical measurement technology
  • Performing schlieren measurements of the laminar and turbulent burning velocity of NH3 and NH3/H2 flames
  • Evaluation of the image data on flame propagation
  • Interpretation of schlieren results with regard to the combustion properties of future fuels
  • Writing the master thesis

Starting date: From July 2025

Duration: Approximately 6 months


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nicole Wermuth, +43 (316) 873-30087,

Marc Klawitter, M.Sc., +43 (316) 873-30122,