Experimental characterization of the flow conditions in a turbulent combustion chamber
Experimental characterization of the flow conditions in a turbulent combustion chamber
Fans generate an almost homogeneous, isotropic turbulence field with a low background flow in the center of the turbulent combustion chamber. In this master’s thesis, the flow field in the center of the combustion chamber is to be characterized in terms of homogeneity, isotropy and turbulence level using particle image velocimetry (PIV).
- Familiarization with turbulent flow and PIV technology
- Commissioning of the turbulent combustion chamber and measurement technology
- Performing PIV investigations to characterize the turbulent flow field
- Evaluation of the image data on the flow field
- Interpretation of the PIV results with regard to flow conditions in the combustion chamber
- Writing the master’s thesis
Starting date: From April 2025
Duration: Approximately 6 months
Marc Klawitter, M.Sc., +43 (316) 873-30122, klawitter@ivt.tugraz.at
Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Jakob Woisetschläger, +43 (316) 873-7227, jakob.woisetschlaeger@tugraz.at